Air-Handling Units
A make-up air unit provides replacement air. The purpose of a make-up air unit is to replace the air exhausted from a space by general ventilation, process equipment, heaters, and other HVAC equipment. By replacing the air, the building is brought to a neutral or predetermined building pressure.
Custom Packaged air-handling units:
steam AHU
gas-fired, indirect and direct AHU
condensing AHU
refridgerant AHU
multi-zone ad mixed-flow AHU

for all types of industrial and commercial applications:
- Aerospace
- Automotive
- Chemical
- Clean Rooms
- Food Processing
- Hospitals
- Marine
- Pharmaceutical
- Semiconductor
- Schools
We use premium quality industrial-grade materials and additional protective coatings for external surfaces and internal components of our Air Handling Units - to withstand the specific gases flow and the installation conditions of each application, industrial and commercial / institutional.CAPACITIES:
Up to 100,000 CFM for standard construction and larger, custom made on special request.FLEXIBILITY:
Every unit is designed for the specific installation and connections conditions. The unit floor area and its cross section dimensions are adjusted for precise room available at site.EASY INSTALLATION:
Packaged compact or sectional design provided with lifting arrangement and protections for easy transportation and handling / installation at site.LOW MAINTENANCE:
Service friendly design which provide large room inside cabinet, access doors, light and rigid floor ensuring accessibility to all components.HIGH EFFICIENCY:
Fans, coils, motors, humidifiers, filters, external insulation material, silencers, enclosure tightness, and other components are carefully selected and engineered for lowest energy consumption.OPERATIONALLY SAFE:
Safety devices and guards are provided in accordance to the international regulations and the customer specific requirements.PRECISE PERFORMANCE:
to match the customer capacities requirement utilizing the computerized selection for each component.

Canada Blower makes two primary gas-fired AHU types: direct gas-fired and indirect gas-fired.
A direct gas-fired AHU has a gas burner installed directly in the outside makeup-air stream. The products of combustion (carbon dioxide [CO2], carbon monoxide [CO], nitrogen dioxide [NO2]) are discharged directly into the makeup air stream and supplied to the building area.INDIRECT GAS-FIRED AHU
An indirect gas-fired AHU has a sealed combustion chamber where all products of combustion are discharged through a flue to the outside environment and no products of combustion are discharged within the make-up air supplied to the building. Such equipment also frequently is utilized for recirculating-air applications.DIRECT-GAS-FIRED-AHU COMPONENTS
Though simple in principle of operation, direct gas-fired AHUs have sophisticated burner-control systems. Unit sizes range from 1,000 cfm with a heating capacity of 80,000 Btuh to 100,000 cfm with a heating capacity of 15 million Btuh. Direct-gas-fired-AHU components usually include housings, supply fans, outside air intake hoods, intake dampers, filters and burners.AHU HOUSINGS
AHU housings are made of galvanized or aluminized steel. Access panels are provided to access dampers, filters, burners, and fans / motors. AHUs located outside are provided with a sloped roof and standing seam joints.SUPPLY FANS
Fans typically are double-width double-inlet (DWDI) with forward-curved or backward-inclined blades. Fans can come with open drip-proof (ODP) or totally enclosed fan cooled (TEFC) motors. The most typical external static pressure in the 2- to 3-in.-wg range. Because most outside istalled air handling units can operate below 0°F, fan motors and bearings are rated to handle lower temperatures. For applications that require supply-air temperatures higher than 110°F, the motors and fan bearings are rated for maximum design operating temperatures when placed in draw-through configurations.INTAKE DAMPERS AND HOODS
Outside air intake hoods or weather hoods are designed for an installation specific location and usually provided with bird screens. Outside-air intake isolation dampers are furnished to prevent cold air from dropping through a unit into a warm building and warm air from escaping through a unit during winter months, when it is not in operation. Low-leakage parallel blade isolation dampers are most standard. The fan discharge is located at the opposite to isolation-damper position.FILTERS
A filter cabinet normally has 30/30 filters in a V-bank configuration to increase filter area and reduce static-pressure drop across the filters. Higher-efficiency filters are used on application.BURNERS
A burner consists of a cast-iron or aluminum pipe assembly with drilled gas orifices. The fuel-air mixing is controlled by perforated stainless-steel baffles attached to the pipe assembly. The burner can be placed in the outside airstream or in the outside / return mixed-air stream. But to prevent potentially hazardous combustion byproducts of indoor-air contaminants, the burner is placed in the outside airstream only. The required airflow across the burner must be within a specific velocity range (typically 2,500 to 3,500 fpm) for proper combustion. For variable airflow units, a modulating bypass damper or profile plate maintains the airflow velocity within the specified velocity range. Otherwise, the burner can experience inefficient operation, generate odors in the occupied spaces served, and create an un-safe increase in certain products of combustion.For competitive quotations click here:
Liquid-to-Air Heat Exchangers
Air-to-Air Heat Exchangers
Air Handling Units
Blower Co. produces different types of gas-fired air makeup units for
industrial building ventilation.
Gas-Fired Pressurization Units move large quantities of air at low
temperature differentials (usually 50° or less), which is a
strategy to minimize temperature stratification in the large spaces
they are employed to heat. The equipment is typically mounted on the
roof of the facility or at grade on elevated supports to ensure that
the supply air is delivered high. The high air delivery allows for a
longer “throw” of the air, thereby requiring less equipment to cover
the required floor area. The most common fuel is natural gas, however,
units can be converted to burn propane. There are two primary
categories of gas-fired AHUs: indirect-fired and direct-fired.
Canada Blower Indirect-fired units burn the fuel and air mixture inside
of a heat
exchanger while the air traveling to the space passes over the outside
of the heat exchanger. In this design, the products of combustion
travel through a vent to the outside of the building.
Direct-fired units utilize air that will be sent to the heated space
for combustion without use of a heat exchanger. The products of
combustion are mixed directly with large volumes of outdoor air. Such
mixing is considered safe because of the high dilution ratio.
Blower Co. offers different types of Industrial Make-Up
Air Systems for larger industrial plants ventilation needs.
Negative Air Pressure in industrial manufacturing facilities can create
problems such as:
- Exhaust fans losing performance, as the building pressure becomes
- Pilot light outages and exhaust system failure on natural draft gas
- Cold air drafts and infiltration of dirt and contamination from
- Difficulty opening or closing exterior doors.
Nausea and headaches among personnel due to inadequate ventilation. In
temperate climates or during mild weather, moderate amounts of make-up
air can be supplied by simply opening windows or overhead doors.
However, this is usually not the case in industrial and commercial
facilities. Forced ventilation Make-up air is required.
Canada Blower Direct Gas-Fired Make-up Air Units supply tempered and
filtered air to the indoor environment. In summer, a direct-fired unit
may be used as an air handler, with the heater disabled. By adding a DX
or evaporative cooling section to the unit, it may be used to supply
conditioned air year round.
Make-Up Air Applications:
There are three general applications for Make-Up Air Units:
- Direct Compensating Ventilation
- General Area Ventilation
- Door Heating
Direct Compensating Ventilation.
Conditioned Air is Delivered to the Immediate Vicinity of Exhaust. This
is the case for welding fume extractors, stovetop exhaust hoods, paint
booths, or similar applications.
General Area Ventilation.
Conditioned Air Blankets Entire Area of Building to Compensate for Many
Exhausts. Introduced in Cleanest Part of Building - Flows to Negative
Pressure Areas - Picks up Dust, Vapors, and Odors en route.
Door Heaters
Heated Air is introduced at open doors to warm incoming air or
compensate for loss. Heater may also be used as part of an “air door”
Typical Industrial Uses:
* Plating Tanks
* Paint Spray Booths
* Welding Operations
* Chemical Exhaust
* Degreasing
* Factory Ventilation
* Plastic Molding
* Foundry Works
* Grinding & Buffing Operations
Typical Commercial Uses:
* Warehouses
* Kitchens
* Entryways
* Gymnasiums
* Pools
* Exposition Buildings
* Garages
Make-Up Air Volume Requirements:
The recommended method for calculating Make-up Air Volume is to
determine the total CFM capacity of exhaust fans, blowers, stacks, etc.
in the building and add 10%. This will create a positive pressure in
the building.
When information is not available, the following estimates may be used
to determine approximate requirements:
- Paint / Spray Booth: 100 to 200 CFM per sq. ft. of face opening.
- Oven Exhaust: One air change per minute.
- Fume Exhaust: Area of Pipe (in square feet) x velocity (3,000
feet/min average) = CFM.
- Roof Ventilator: same as Fume Exhaust.
- Canopy Hoods: 100 to 300 CFM per square foot of hood open area.
- Furnace Combustion Air: Minimum CFM = BTU/hr rating / 6,000.
- Drying, Baking, Curing Ovens: 100 CFM per square foot of booth cross
- Pickling or Cleaning Tanks: 150 CFM per square foot of door opening
or 200 CFM per square foot of hood face opening.
Canada Blower Direct Gas-Fired Air Heating System may be used in an
industrial or commercial application for any or all of the following
. Make-Up Air Heating – Air is introduced to a building to replace air
being exhausted.
. Space Heating – A unit provides primary or supplementary heating to a
building space.
. Space Pressure Control – Building or Room Pressurization is held
within a range.
of industrial regenerative side channel blowers, forward curved
pressure blowers and fans in stainless steel, alloy, cast aluminium,
cast iron,
polypropylene and FRP construction. Canadian Blower, Chicago supplies
replacement forward curved blowers and wheels for forward curved
blowers and
fans manufactured by Buffalo Blower - New York, Twin City Fan, Northern
Chicago Blower, Sheldons, Cincinnati Fan, Hartzell, IAP, Industrial air
Canadian blower, Aerovent, Penn Ventilation, Penn-Barry, Barry Blower,
Aerovent, Alphair, American Fan, Lau Industries, Clarage, Delhi,
Canarm, Leader
Fan, Daltec, ABB, Flakt, Flaktwoods, Woods, MK Plastics, Robinson
Garden City Fan, Loren Cook, Jen-air, Jenn Fan, Aeroflo, Grainger,
Kice Fan, ILG Industries, Canada Fan, Industrial Air, Ceilcote,
Anderson 2000, Solar and Palau, Strobic air, Trane, TCF Axial.
Engineers and designers of
industrial process and OEM blowers, fans and ventilators, such as high
temperature fans, high pressure blowers and high volume ventilators,
stainless and other special alloy construction, spark-resistant
explosion proof blowers. Sales of centrifugal blowers and axial flow
fans, blowers and ventilators.
proof,spark-resistant,high temperature,Garden City,TCF,Twin
City,Northern,ILG,Industrial Air Products,Gas Engineering,American